We are curious about your feedback on this podcast. Allen Koski and Andrew Jernigan interviewed TCM founder Christian Höferle for their New Nomad Podcast. They talked about efficient communication in times of remote work and across cultures. Christian had a chance to share some useful tips on how to navigate the world of virtual meetings and conferences while still being …
Should You Change Your Corporate Culture?
Chances are, if you’re asking yourself this question, the answer may very well be yes. On the popular and well respected Decision Vision Podcast, hosted by Michael Blake for Brady Ware & Company, Christian Höferle is sharing some insights on corporate culture, creating cohesion with employees scattered around the world, and the importance of developing ICE-Q for global business success. In the …
A 12 Minute Convo about Culture
In the fall of 2017 a Caribbean podcaster reached out to Christian to ask if he wanted to be a guest on his program. More than two years later, Engel Jones featured him on his podcast a second time. Born and raised on the twin island of Trinidad and Tobago, Engel loves great conversation. And he likes those chats short …
TCM on Velocity Small Business Radio
In December of 2019 our team had the pleasure of participating in the Atlanta Entrepreneur Summit, hosted by the Millionaire Mastermind Academy. The event offered corporations, organizations, and governmental entities an opportunity to reach more than 500 business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs. The Summit brought together hundreds of influential – mainly female – entrepreneurs, business leaders, and start-ups to provide …
Sharing the business influence of TCM on the Uinfluence Podcast
In the field of podcasting it is not uncommon that podcast hosts become guests on other people’s podcasts. Sometimes storytellers inspire other storytellers. And ideally the topics they discuss on their programs aren’t circling around the same theme. This is the case with staff training and organizational development expert Raphael Mavi and Christian Höferle. When Mavi, who produces the Uinfluence …
Our Fall/Winter Webinar Series
Over the course of the next few weeks we are hosting a round of online learning opportunities. Our Fall/Winter Webinar Series will cover many cross-cultural and communication topics. Here is the Q4 overview. Check back in with this site, as times and dates may change. Once you are registered for one or more sessions, you’ll receive updates and reminders via …
Learn To Decode How People Make Decisions
Getting to “Yes” quicker and more often Success in business depends on your ability to connect with other people, earn their attention and trust, and eventually close deals with them. Doing this and deciphering how people make decisions in an international context is disproportionately more challenging than working with local customers and vendors. Are you finding that selling and marketing …