Over the course of the next few weeks we are hosting a round of online learning opportunities. Our Fall/Winter Webinar Series will cover many cross-cultural and communication topics. Here is the Q4 overview. Check back in with this site, as times and dates may change. Once you are registered for one or more sessions, you’ll receive updates and reminders via email.
- October 22: Close the #GermanCultureGap
- October 23: ICE-Q Webinar #1 – Buyology/BANK
- October 30: Endlich verständlich – USA
- December 3: ICE-Q Webinar #2 – If You Don’t Get Culture, Culture Will Get You
- December 10: Building Cultural Bridges between the U.S. and Mexico
- December 18: Close the #GermanCultureGap
🚦 October 22nd @ 2:00pm EST / 11:00am PST

Close the Culture Gap to Germany – Accelerate your Transatlantic Growth!
When: Thursday, October 22nd • 2:00pm EST / 11:00am PST
Where: Zoom Webinars (register here now)
Learn how to avoid major cross-cultural mishaps when doing business in Germany. Do you want to accelerate your business success in German-speaking Europe? Are you interested in protecting your transatlantic investment in talent and assets? This webinar will walk you through the triggers and tripwires of German business culture and will showcase strategies and tools for organizations who want to minimize and even close the #GermanCultureGap.
In this webinar you will:
• learn to identify the main cultural values of the United States and Germany, Austria & Switzerland and understand how these values impact communication, relationships, teamwork and leadership
• develop an understanding of the cultural dynamics of business practices and behavior patterns
• discover tools and strategies which will boost your transatlantic business
Webinar Details
Date: Tuesday, October 22nd 2019, at 2:00pm Eastern U.S. Time (11:00am Pacific // 20:00h CET)
Hashtag: #GermanCultureGap
Log-in: access information for this Zoom webinar will be emailed to you upon registration
🚦 October 23rd @ 2:00pm EST / 11:00am PST

ICE-Q webinar #1 – Buyology: Introduction to BANKcode
When: Wednesday, October 23rd • 2:00pm EST / 11:00am PST
Where: Zoom Webinars (register here now)
This webinar is the first in our ICE-Q cycle. Buyology and BANK are addressing the EQ portion of ICE-Q. With BANKcode we look at the emotional, values-based foundation of human decision making.
Entrepreneurs, Companies and Organizations spend thousands of hours and millions of dollars annually teaching and learning how to sell. Instead of investing in answering the only question that matters to the bottom line: Why do people buy?
Do you want to know what triggers the “YES” and tripwires the “NO” in any decision making process? Why your prospects buy is exponentially more important than how you sell.
This webinar will highlight the latest updates to the BANKcode methodology and how you can use it in your professional field. You will learn a step-by-step process which helps you to serve more people, with a cutting-edge personality profiling system that will give you the skills to win bigger deals faster and take it to the bank!
❯ So what is B.A.N.K.™ and what is this webinar about?
BANK is a reverse-engineered personality profiling system designed to dramatically improve communication, accelerate negotiations, and come to sustainable agreements faster. While it was developed primarily to help sales professionals increase their closing rates, BANK has shown to be equally valuable in other professional fields. Unlocking people’s BANKcode will positively change the way HR professionals recruit, how managers manage, how leaders lead, how organizations develop talent – generally, how people interact successfully with emotional intelligence. And in global business this helps pull back more layers of the onion of cultural understanding.
The BANK personality system has been well tested in the marketplace, is scientifically proven and is a powerful tool in helping you close more business. BANK is having tremendous global growth and has users in over 40 countries. BANK is an acronym for the four different personality types: Blueprint, Action, Nurturing and Knowledge.
🚦 October 30th @ 9:00am EST / 14:00h MEZ

Endlich verständlich – USA: So überwinden Sie die transatlantische Kulturkluft
Wann: Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2019 • 14:00 MEZ (9:00am EST)
Wo: Zoom Webinars (Anmeldung erforderlich)
Vermeiden Sie interkulturelle Zwischenfälle bei der Zusammenarbeit mit Kollegen, Kunden und Zulieferern in den Vereinigten Staaten. Tappen Sie nicht in die Ähnlichkeits-Falle: Firmen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum lassen sich oft täuschen von der Annahme, die USA und Mitteleuropa seien einander kulturell ähnlich. Ausgehend von dieser falschen Prämisse setzen Unternehmen beim Aufbau des US-Geschäfts Ziele fest, entwickeln Strategien, suchen Mitarbeiter aus, und definieren Organisationsstrukturen. Daraus entwickeln sich in der Regel teure Lektionen.
Die USA sind in mancher Hinsicht in der Tat eng mit dem deutschsprachigen Europa verwandt. Viel wichtiger jedoch ist – und das wird zu oft ignoriert oder es besteht kein Bewusstsein dafür – dass die USA sich gravierend von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz unterscheiden.
Wer erfolgreich in den Vereinigen Staaten Geschäfte machen will, kommt nicht drum herum die Kulturkluft zu erkennen und Wege zu entwickeln, diese zu überwinden. Wer glaubt, seine “deutsche Art Geschäfte zu machen” einfach nur auf Englisch fortführen zu können, wird in den USA scheitern. Beispiele hierfür gibt es genug.
Wollen Sie Ihr US-Geschäft weiter entwickeln? Sind Sie bereit, Ihre transatlantischen Investitionen in Anlagen und Personal gegen kulturelle Katastrophen zu schützen? In diesem Webinar erfahren Sie, was die wichtigsten Stolperfallen der American business culture sind, und wir zeigen Ihnen Methoden und Werkzeuge, mit denen Sie die Kulturkluft meistern können. Was ist für Sie drin?
- Lernen Sie die wichtigsten cultural values der USA (und die der Regionen) kennen, und wie diese sich im Vergleich zu den kulturellen Werten in D/A/CH verhalten.
- Sehen Sie, wie diese Werte alle Belange des Business beeinflussen: Kommunikation, Verhandlungen, Geschäftsbeziehungen, Teamarbeit, Mitarbeiter- und Unternehmensführung, Problemlösung, Personalentwicklung.
- Entdecken Sie Tools und Strategien, die Ihr US-Geschäft nach vorne bringen
🚦 December 3rd @ 1:00pm EST / 10:00am PST

ICE-Q webinar #2 – If You Don’t Get Culture, Culture Will Get You!
When: Tuesday, December 3rd • 1:00pm EST / 10:00am PST
Where: Zoom Webinars (register here now)
This webinar is the second in our ICE-Q cycle. This session addresses the CQ portion of ICE-Q.
You already know how to manage, inspire, lead, and communicate — with people who are like you. Now you want to be just as efficient with co-workers, clients, customers, and vendors who are sometimes quite different from you. What made you successful with your people could easily derail you when working in a diverse context. So how are you going to master yourself in an unfamiliar environment?
Cultural competence and having a global mindset – your ability to work and relate effectively across cultures and behavioral norms – is a critical human skill – especially when you work in a global environment. As you grow in your professional role, the skills which got you into your position won’t be the same skills which will elevate your international career.
Companies with a global mindset, or rather: companies whose team members develop higher levels of cultural competence, are proving to be more successful. And since most people are moved to action by a fear of loss rather than by the prospect of a gain, let’s look at the inverse: organizations without globally minded employees are at risk of losing business and missing their targets.
Now, companies don’t become culturally competent over night. Moreover, it can’t be overstated that it isn’t companies that go global – it is their people who do. And building teams with a global mindset requires a talent development strategy. Businesses need to provide employees with the right tools to work effectively with each other. As workplaces become more and more diverse, cultural differences within teams can be harnessed as an asset or they create a liability. When managed strategically and supported by cultural learning initiatives, a company’s internal diversity has the chance to be a competitive advantage for reaching international markets more effectively.
Or, in simple terms: If you don’t get culture, culture will get you.
🚦 December 10th @ 2:00pm EST / 1:00pm CST / 11am PST

Building Cultural Bridges between the United States and Mexico
When: Wednesday, December 10th • 2:00pm EST / 1:00pm CST / 11:00am PST
Where: Zoom Webinars (register here now)
Learn how to remove US-Mexican cultural roadblocks and establish robust and reliable bridges across the Rio Grande/Bravo.
The nature of business relations between the forever neighbors will always be influenced by their distinctly different cultures. During this webinar we will address how the different work styles affect cross-border business success.
A single market approach to North America will not work, if companies want to achieve their global business goals. How can you harness the unique mindsets and work cultures of the United States and Mexico to improve cross-border business and boost the international bottom line?
During this online briefing we will take a closer look at how to better negotiate, communicate, manage, and lead in a Mexican-American business context.
🚦 December 18th @ 1:30pm EST / 10:30am PST

Close the Culture Gap to Germany – Fuel your Transatlantic Growth!
When: Wednesday, December 18th • 1:30pm EST / 10:30am PST
Where: Zoom Webinars (register here now)
Learn how to avoid major cross-cultural mishaps when doing business in Germany. Do you want to accelerate your business success in German-speaking Europe? Are you interested in protecting your transatlantic investment in talent and assets? This webinar will walk you through the triggers and tripwires of German business culture and will showcase strategies and tools for organizations who want to minimize and even close the #GermanCultureGap.
In this webinar you will:
• learn to identify the main cultural values of the United States and Germany, Austria & Switzerland and understand how these values impact communication, relationships, teamwork and leadership
• develop an understanding of the cultural dynamics of business practices and behavior patterns
• discover tools and strategies which will boost your transatlantic business
Webinar Details
Date: Wednesday, December 18th 2019, at 1:30pm Eastern U.S. Time (10:30am Pacific // 19:30h CET)
Hashtag: #GermanCultureGap
Log-in: access information for this Zoom webinar will be emailed to you upon registration
If you are interested in learning more about cultural competence and foreign language skills, we invite you to sign up for our newsletter, The Culture Reflections. As a token of our appreciation you will receive a series of complimentary materials on cultural competence from us!
Go ahead and sign up here now and we will send you the download links to the COMPLIMENTARY materials via email.