Over the course of the next few weeks we are hosting a round of online learning opportunities. Our Fall/Winter Webinar Series will cover many cross-cultural and communication topics. Here is the Q4 overview. Check back in with this site, as times and dates may change. Once you are registered for one or more sessions, you’ll receive updates and reminders via …
Avoid These 9 Behaviors If You Want To Be A Global Success
If you are in business – let’s suppose you are, whether you’re in business for yourself or employed – then chances are you have been making plans to further your career. Let’s also assume that your plans for the current fiscal year include strategies on how to improve your success rate. And since nearly every business these days is global, …
How Culture Considerably Influences Children’s Development
From educational toys to governmental guidelines and detailed nursery progress reports, there are lots of resources available to help parents track and facilitate their children’s development. But while there are tricks we can use to teach children to talk, count, draw or respect others, a surprisingly big part of how they develop is determined by the culture they grow up …
Ranking countries along the empathy scale
When science compares cultures it often uses the measurement tool of dimensions. There are several dimensional models out there with the Hofstede and Trompenaars frameworks being among those which are cited most. In recent years modifications like the one Erin Meyer outlines in her book The Culture Map or Andy Molinsky’s Global Dexterity have become very popular in the cross-cultural …
How do you deal with otherness?
Humanity is infested with a lethal disease. Fear of the foreign. Uneasiness with otherness. One could argue that during the last decade there has been a growing global trend of Xenophobia. Dealing with otherness appears to be really difficult for many. Years ago some people argued that globalization will alleviate the fear of what people perceive as foreign. Right now we are …