Busting 5 Myths about Cross-Cultural Coaching

Once in a while we invite guests on The Culture Reflections Blog and ask them to share their experience of crossing cultures. We also follow this idea on Christian’s podcast series, The Culture Guy. The goal is to showcase which concepts other experts in the cross-cultural field use to serve their clients and how they approach their work. This first …

Eliminate the Similarity Illusion for Transatlantic Business Success

We tend to assume similarity. When people look similar, dress similar, have similar cultural origins, and share similar values it is easy to conclude that they are similar in many aspects of life. This misconception can be quite prevalent among business people from North America and Western Europe. Ever since the launch of The Culture Mastery we have had many opportunities …

Talking about cross-cultural business with The Worldly Marketer

Doing business across cultures comes with many challenges, one of them being able to communicate in foreign languages. As more and more people prefer to consume product and service information in their native tongue, it is becoming increasingly relevant to build and retain an audience in their preferred language. Helping businesses communicate more effectively and internationally with their target audience …

Why Bridges trump Walls

At our company’s home base, in the United States, there has been a lot of talk in recent months about the potential benefits of having a wall built along the country’s southern border. While I typically refrain from mixing politics and work, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that I am not very enthusiastic about walls. As someone who grew up in …

Why hiring for “cultural fit” is usually a bad idea

Hiring for “cultural fit” has been a buzz word for the human resource and talent development field in recent years. Search for the term on Google and you’ll get more than 22 million results. If you follow this topic you’ll see that the concept appears to be widely accepted across many industries. The idea that sorting for compatibility with an …

Master the Art of Crossing Cultures with this Superpower

  In this interview he recently gave Joel D. Roberts, Christian Höferle talks about how you can cross cultures efficiently – with more ease and less stress by applying a certain “superpower.”         If you are interested in learning more about cultural competence, we invite you to sign up for our newsletter, The Culture Reflections. As a …

How culture affects cuisine

One of the benefits of dealing with different cultures is the opportunity to explore the tastes of foreign lands and other people. Food and drink are as much representations of culture as are the arts, architecture, attire, or human behavior. Most of us experience this for the first time when we travel: what people abroad eat can be quite different …

What exactly do Interculturalists do?

How do you explain what a cultural trainer, coach, or mentor does? This is a question I had some difficulty answering throughout the first years of working in this field. And to be completely honest, to this day some members of my own family don’t quite understand what the work of interculturalists consists of. It isn’t only the “uninitiated” who …

A Transatlantic Career Requires Cultural Savvy

Accepting a foreign work assignment is potentially exciting and daunting. As a foreign assignee not only do you have to figure out the logistics of moving yourself (and your loved ones), you also need to get used to a different work environment. Regardless whether the cultural gap between your home country and the culture you are entering is narrow or …

How to motivate and inspire other cultures by being you [The Culture Guy Podcast]

In this episode Christian talks to Robert Riopel, international trainer and teacher for New Peaks. Robert is Canadian and lives in Calgary, Alberta with his wife Roxanne and his razorback pig Gracie May – you’ll have to listen to the show to hear what that is all about. Robert is a Master Trainer for New Peaks and Christian has had …

A gift for those who want an amazing 2016

As the holiday season in the Western world is in full swing, you may still be wondering which gifts to get this year. And since readers of this website are typically involved in making a transition in their professional or personal lives, I have just the right gift idea for you. My friend and mentor Adam Markel, who leads the …

Give the next generation workforce what they need

Ever since they have been entering the workforce, there has been a lot a of talk about Generation Y or, as they are often referred to, the Millennials. As they take on different levels of responsibility, organizations pay close attention to how they can harness the preferences of the Gen Y-ers. Like with every generation change that happened before, the …

Putting an end to exploitation

In order to understand and to adjust to cultures and behaviors we don’t like or find “strange,” it is helpful to remain open for the signals we receive from people around us. Especially from people who we might label as being “different” or whose behavior we interpret as “weird.”  To allow input even though it’s uncomfortable, to not look the …

Southern U.S. identity and the struggle to overcome cultural gaps within a nation

On the day I post this article, the government of the U.S. State of South Carolina lowered the Confederate battle flag from outside its State House, where it had flown for more than 50 years. The removal of this flag follows a heated public debate about what this flag symbolizes: Southern heritage or white supremacy. This debate has been around …

The Culture Guy talks to Alan Headbloom [The Culture Guy Podcast]

Welcome to Episode 001 of The Culture Guy Podcast – the official first chapter of this series. In this episode Christian talks to Alan Headbloom, Principal of Headbloom Cross-Cultural Communication in Allendale, Michigan (U.S.). Alan shares with us his work experience and some of his “cultural fool” moments he had when studying in Southwestern Germany. Alan has a track record …

5 Basic Principles for Efficient Cross-Cultural Coaching

Senior executives, C-suite leaders, and high potentials are typically well qualified and talented high performers. However, the challenges of global leadership and change can’t be solved by knowledge and hard skills only. What got you here to your current position, will most likely not be the same skill set that will get you to where you want to be in …

Four Types of Cross-Cultural Training

In an international context, smart business decisions depend on the ability to bridge cultural differences. Your employees need to be able to understand these differences and how to work across cultures. We put together four types of cross-cultural training formats and other support services for expatriates and global leaders to help international top talent in bridging the gaps between cultures. …