A lot of our clients work in a global context between English-speaking North America and German-speaking Europe. That’s why we compiled nine tips on how to improve your transatlantic communication with people from the United States and Canada, if you are a foreigner from the heart of Europe. Would you like these 9 tips explored in more detail and combined …
How To Market Your Business Across The Atlantic
Marketing and selling products and services around the world can be both promising and profitable – it can also be a minefield and full of missed opportunities. No matter whether you are selling Nike in Düsseldorf or Adidas in Dallas. Or if you want consumers in Hanover to spread peanut butter on their toast and people in Houston to dip …
Follow your passion to deal with the challenges of living abroad [The Culture Guy Podcast]
Living abroad as an expatriate family comes with privileges and challenges. Belén Galindo Lizaldre and her husband Roberto Goñi Ruiz uprooted their family of four from Pamplona (Spain) to move to Chattanooga, TN in the United States. Three years in the Tennessee Valley have left a lasting impression on this expat family and on this episode Belén & Roberto share …
Eliminate the Similarity Illusion for Transatlantic Business Success
We tend to assume similarity. When people look similar, dress similar, have similar cultural origins, and share similar values it is easy to conclude that they are similar in many aspects of life. This misconception can be quite prevalent among business people from North America and Western Europe. Ever since the launch of The Culture Mastery we have had many opportunities …
Master the Art of Crossing Cultures with this Superpower
In this interview he recently gave Joel D. Roberts, Christian Höferle talks about how you can cross cultures efficiently – with more ease and less stress by applying a certain “superpower.” If you are interested in learning more about cultural competence, we invite you to sign up for our newsletter, The Culture Reflections. As a …