Why hiring for “cultural fit” is usually a bad idea

Hiring for “cultural fit” has been a buzz word for the human resource and talent development field in recent years. Search for the term on Google and you’ll get more than 22 million results. If you follow this topic you’ll see that the concept appears to be widely accepted across many industries. The idea that sorting for compatibility with an …

Master the Art of Crossing Cultures with this Superpower

  In this interview he recently gave Joel D. Roberts, Christian Höferle talks about how you can cross cultures efficiently – with more ease and less stress by applying a certain “superpower.”         If you are interested in learning more about cultural competence, we invite you to sign up for our newsletter, The Culture Reflections. As a …

How culture affects cuisine

One of the benefits of dealing with different cultures is the opportunity to explore the tastes of foreign lands and other people. Food and drink are as much representations of culture as are the arts, architecture, attire, or human behavior. Most of us experience this for the first time when we travel: what people abroad eat can be quite different …

What exactly do Interculturalists do?

How do you explain what a cultural trainer, coach, or mentor does? This is a question I had some difficulty answering throughout the first years of working in this field. And to be completely honest, to this day some members of my own family don’t quite understand what the work of interculturalists consists of. It isn’t only the “uninitiated” who …

How to motivate and inspire other cultures by being you [The Culture Guy Podcast]

In this episode Christian talks to Robert Riopel, international trainer and teacher for New Peaks. Robert is Canadian and lives in Calgary, Alberta with his wife Roxanne and his razorback pig Gracie May – you’ll have to listen to the show to hear what that is all about. Robert is a Master Trainer for New Peaks and Christian has had …

Give the next generation workforce what they need

Ever since they have been entering the workforce, there has been a lot a of talk about Generation Y or, as they are often referred to, the Millennials. As they take on different levels of responsibility, organizations pay close attention to how they can harness the preferences of the Gen Y-ers. Like with every generation change that happened before, the …

Work. Together. Across Cultures.

Welcome to The Culture Mastery! Effective May 1, 2015, our company, formerly known as Höferle Consulting, will serve our clients as a revamped business entity: We are now The Culture Mastery, LLC. After more than six years in business our company has evolved. And so have our customers. Initially, Höferle Consulting was established to serve mainly clients from North America and …