webinar #GermanCultureGap

Are Mexico and the United States really two distant neighbors?

Learn how to remove US-Mexican cultural roadblocks during this webinar 🇲🇽 💥 🇺🇸 With immigration and border security issues unresolved and while NAFTA is undergoing an overhaul with unclear outcome, trade relations between Mexico and the United States remain vital to both countries’ bottom line. The legal and political frameworks of business across North America may experience a reorganization, yet the nature of …

Improve your Cross-Cultural Negotiation Style with these Country Tips

Understanding the local negotiation style is key to getting the business outcome you want If you’’ve ever tried to buy a carpet in a Turkish bazaar, you’’ll know the ritual.  The seller mentions a ridiculous price. You (if you are bold enough) make a ludicrously low offer. The seller expresses outrage. You haggle for a while. If your nerve is …